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Crystal Knowledge

Healing Crystals - Strawberry Quartz

Physically, Strawberry Quartz is said to help alleviate discomfort in the lower back and abdomen, strengthen the heart muscles, aid in waste elimination, and support a healthy immune system.
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Healing Crystals - Selenite

One of the most popular uses of Selenite is for cleansing rituals, where its purifying energies are invoked to clear stagnant or disruptive energies from the environment.
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Healing Crystals - Peridot

Peridot has been cherished across various cultures and civilizations for thousands of years. Ancient Egyptians referred to it as the "gem of the sun" and believed it had the power to protect the wearer from nightmares and evil spirits.
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Healing Crystals - Sunstone

Sunstone embodies the vibrant energy of the Sun, exuding a powerful, masculine yang energy that encourages individuals, to embrace our masculine side, irrespective of gender.
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Healing Crystals - red tourmaline

For those seeking to balance their base chakra or enhance their connection to the Earth's energy, red tourmaline offers a harmonious resonance.
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Healing Crystal - malachite

As a stone of profound transformation, malachite helps individuals let go of past hurts and embrace new beginnings. It can be a catalyst for personal growth, instilling a sense of appreciation for life's beauty and blessings.
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Healing Crystals - Green Tourmaline

Aligned with the planet Venus, governing aspects of nature, beauty, and finances, Green Tourmaline resonates with the energies of Venus, making Friday an optimal day for working with this crystal.
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Healing Crystals - Ruby Zoisite

Ruby Zoisite is a unique gemstone that combines the vibrant hues of pink Ruby intertwined with the verdant shades of Zoisite.
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Healing Crystals - Black Tourmaline

Protection is a common theme associated with black crystals, and Black Tourmaline stands out in its unique approach to safeguarding energies.
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Healing Crystals - lapis lazuli

lapis lazuli is a stone of honesty and truth, encouraging authentic communication and integrity. As a leader in your own life, lapis lazuli helps you speak your truth with confidence and clarity, fostering genuine connections and productive conversations.
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Healing Crystals - Kyanite

One of the most remarkable attributes of kyanite is its capacity to remain untouched by external energies, a quality that it passes on to those who interact with it.
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Healing Crystals - Howlite

Through the gentle guidance of Howlite, individuals are invited to deepen their spiritual connections with guides, guardian angels, and ancestors.
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64 results